Saturday, December 5, 2009
Please visit me at this site. At some point, I may even explain the name. See you there.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Vacation: Beyond the Turkey

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Vacation: Family

I envision a three-part installment dedicated to our vacation to Atlanta for Thanksgiving Vacation. We'll see what happens. That is why I started with "Family" first. In case the week gets the best of me and I don't get around to the other two I figured I should start with the most important piece.
Dustin's entire immediate family was together for this Thanksgiving. That's all of us above. The cute kids in the front row are Nick, Christopher and Katie. They are adorable. And energetic. And GREAT cousins. Jaden loved, loved, loved playing with them. It was so good to see them. We don't get to nearly enough.
In the backrow are Dustin, myself, Jaden, Heather (Dustin's sister) and Lee (Heather's husband.) They are the proud parents of the three cuties in the front. This Thanksgiving was especially meaningful to Heather's family as Lee was on leave from Afghanistan where he has been serving our country since June. We were all so thankful to have Lee safely home with us for this holiday.
In the middle are Dustin's parents, Ron and Cheryl. They made our vacation to Atlanta nothing short of fantastic. Jaden thought he had landed in toddler heaven at their home, and I'm sure is seriously questioning our judgment at ever leaving. We were so happy to be with them in their home for this holiday.
It sounds cliche, but there is nothing better than being with family for the holidays. We flew into the busiest airport in the world, on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, with a child (ours) who screamed for half of our flight in a way that I have never heard before. And it was completely worth it.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thumbs Up
This year we are flying to see Jaden's grandparents for Thanksgiving. And Jaden has a cold. And I am so thankful that he still sucks his thumb.
But. I would just like to throw something out there. His thumb has been loved a little too much since his has contracted this last cold. He has sucked so much that I believe he either has a huge blood blister on the end of this appendage OR he stuck it through the meat grinder when I wasn't looking. It is not pretty. But he still dutifully sticks it in his mouth.
Therefore, I am left to wonder exactly how strong is the skin on the end of one's thumb? Will he suck through all of the layers? Will he start bleeding spontaneously? Will it ever get so sore that he won't suck on it? Does anyone have legitimate answers to those questions?
I know I used up alot of good graces on our last airplane trip, but maybe I could still ask for one more thing? Please, please, please let Jaden's thumb be healthy for our Thanksgiving travels. All those within a quarter mile radius of us will probably want to issue the same plea.
And now, I will pack.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Gender Neutral?

This morning he asked to have his new truck, a gift from a thoughtful neighbor, on the table with him during breakfast. I turned my back, and the next thing I knew the bed of the truck had become his new cereal bowl. (And, no, I don't feed my kid cat food. Those little kibbles are Cracklin' Oat Bran. Yum.)
Later this morning Jaden nearly jumped out of his skin because the garbage truck came by, and then the recycling truck made its rounds. The driver even honked at him and the neighbor boy we were playing with at the time. This = awesome.
We bought some sippy cups a few months back that have little trucks on them. We are lucky that Jaden takes in fluids the days he uses them, as he is so busy pointing to the vehicles making his amazing truck sounds.
I swear I have done nothing to encourage this stereotypical obsession. I don't care if Jaden plays with dolls, strollers, or tanks as long as he is enjoying himself and letting me drink my morning coffee. He has fallen in love with these four-wheeled monsters on his own, and I don't think there is a thing I can do about it.
I guess my collection of Hello Kitty paraphernalia will have to wait for our little girl.
Saturday, November 7, 2009

He encouraged the use of discipline, but with compassion and perspective. This might sound like common sense. But, as I've already discovered, when your child repeatedly does something "wrong" (in Jaden's case like running into the street or playing with the stove knobs) it is sometimes very difficult to remain calm and loving.
One thing he said really stuck with me. It was a variation on the theme that life is "10% circumstance 90% what one does with those circumstances." He fit this into a spiel encouraging us to let our kids know that bad things can happen in a day without it having to ruin a day. Again, this sounds simple and maybe even cliche. But, I think it did me some good to hear it.
So, when the Hawkeyes lost later that day I told Jaden (and myself) it was okay. They are still a great team, and I am still one of their biggest fans. And when Jaden makes inevitable mistakes, I'll still think he is amazing and will always be his biggest fan.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Kissy Face

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
1. Sitting at highchairs makes you REALLY messy.
2. Sitting at the table makes you look super grown up and serious.
3. You don't need a bib when you sit at the table.
4. You need a hazmat suit to sit at the highchair.
5. Post-meal clean up is reduced by 200% with the introduction of the toddler table chair.
*Currently the highchair is going through a 57 step decontamination process after which it will be relegated to the basement. Thank you highchair. You served your purpose, but we are more than happy to see you go.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What did you say?
- "Dada": By far his favorite word. Morning. Noon. Night.
- "Ba": Mom. No joke. All the time.
- "Mama": Rarely. Usually when extremely sad.
- "Zhar-Zhar": Charlie. The dog.
- "Ahhhhh": Said in a high-pitched squeal. It equals Alan. The cat.
- "Zhruh": Truck. Usually screamed. Clapping follows.
- "Buh": Bus. More clapping.
- "Ba": Ball. Not to be confused with mom.
- "Nigh-Nigh": So cute.
- "Nnnah": Said emphatically. Means "outside" or "downstairs".
- "Muh": Moo. Like a cow.
- "Duh": Duck.
I'm sure there are a couple more, but this is pretty much it right now. We did teach him a few signs which he uses often. He even made up two of his own. The cutest one is when he sees a cat he pretends to take a "catbath" and licks his "paws." Honestly, toddlers are so cute...until they aren't. Which is list for another day.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Good Idea
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Last September
We will be sure to stop at this exit on this trip. We'll probably be busy making sure the dog doesn't eat another dog, and that Jaden doesn't get too intimate with any of the semi-trucks that he obssesses about. I don't know if we'll have time to reflect on how fundamentally our lives have shifted since that day. It was on that day that we became parents emotionally if not physically. It was on that day that we "met" our son. It happened at a rest stop. In Iowa. In September.
Friday, September 18, 2009
As of today Dustin, Jaden and I are officially a waiting family in the Korea program with our adoption agency. Our new social worker came out today to complete our adoption study. I think we passed despite the fact that I plopped Jaden down in front of an Elmo video for the majority of her visit.
We are waiting for a referral for a little girl this time, and the projected time frame is nine to twelve months for this referral. This is quite a bit longer than the five months we waited for Jaden's referral to come to us. I think one of the most common questions we get when discussing Jaden's adoption concerns his gender. There is a perception that boys rarely have adoption plans made for them from Korea. While this is certainly true of China, the gender ratio of adoptees from Korea is much closer to 50% girls and 50% boys. However, the majority of waiting families prefer to adopt girls, thus making the wait time for a boy significantly shorter.
So, here we go again. I know the wait will be different this time. I know there will be ups and downs as the timeframes change throughout the upcoming year. But we are ready to continue building our family and are overcome with happiness and excitement about the prospect of beginning that process.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Toddler Time
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The End of Summer
The weather has started to change. Football kicks off with full force tomorrow. The Iowa vs. Iowa-State game is this weekend. Lows are in the 40s and 50s at night now. I've given up on gardening. Things are definitely lining up for some chili soon. Fall is definitely here.
I will miss summer. I will miss warmth. I will miss having endless outdoor spots to take little Jaden. He has become a master at play structures. At the beginning of the summer he could barely climb stairs. Now, he takes on the biggest slide at each park. By himself. He got big. And brave. I love him so much.
These pudgy little baby feet will be more like little boy feet next year when we break out new sandals. I will still put sunscreen on him diligently, and he will still turn brown. But for now it is time to break out the socks, the pants, the long-sleeved shirts and the jackets. I've already started searching for a good winter coat and snowpants. It's time to get even more creative with indoor activities. And invest in some new videos. And hope Jaden likes to watch football.
Good-bye summer. Thank you for the zebra feet.
Good-bye feet. I'll see you again in May.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
On Notice

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
When it rains...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Armed for Battle
Required Documents:
- Application Form
- Travel Visa from Korea
- Green Card
- Certified Copy of Adoption Decree
- Jaden's Passport
- Jaden's Birth Certificate
- Allison's Passport
- Dustin's Passport
Destination: The nearest (40 minute drive) Social Security Administration building.
Summary of Anticipated Events: Based upon prior experiences with government agencies (and we've had our fair share) I fully expected to show up to a less than friendly environment. I had hoped to wait to be called to a window for about 45 minutes in which time I could wrestle with Jaden in a cramped room with strangers glaring at us the whole time. When finally called up to meet with the Super Friendly Person at the counter, I really wished they would tell me that while I had all of the documents listed above, that I still needed a stool sample from Jaden taken 24 hours before arriving in the United States. She would tell me that this requirement was clearly marked in Subsection X on page 32 of the instruction booklet. Then, the SF Person would "smile" at me and tell me to come back when I was fully prepared. I would then collapse into tears of frustration, leave my purse at the counter and not realize it until three days later when I wanted to buy bananas at the grocery store. Needless to say, I was prepared for the worst.
Summary of Actual Events: We (Dustin, Jaden and I) arrived at the office and the security officers joked with us as we went through the metal dectectors. This meant, right away, that some of the staff at this agency had a sense of humor. We were off to a good start. We signed in electronically and were called to a window within 5 minutes of arriving. The woman who helped me was unbelievably cordial, and complimented me on my preparedness. She even said, "This all looks really good." She processed the paperwork within 10 minutes, in which time she even spared a few moments for a little banter about parenting. In the end, she gave us all of the precious paperwork back and said Jaden would have a card within 2 weeks. On top of all of this, she didn't ask for any money. I practically skipped out of the agency (with my purse) and came very close to hugging the security officer on the way out (who told ANOTHER joke as we left.)
Either we entered a parallel universe this morning, or the Social Security Administration is the most efficient government agency we have in the US right now. You be the judge.
Mission accomplished.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Growing Up
Monday, August 10, 2009
Not who you are looking for
For reasons that are probably understandable, my creativity is at an all-time low. I don't think I could crank out Dick & Jane at this point in my summer. So I gave my sister the keys to my place, and she posted over there today. In between wiping my kid's nose and playing Wii Sports Resort with my Big Kids. So go see her there.
Really, go.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fair Time

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Corn: By the Numbers
- 1 Sunday afternoon
- 1 naptime (for the toddler)
- 72 ears of corn

- 44 cups of corn

- 3 quarts of water
- 1 cup of sugar
- 12 teaspoons of salt

- 1 (or 2) marital "discussions"
- 4 phone calls to my parents to double-check on the next step(s)
- 20 one quart freezer bags of fresh sweet corn available all year long

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lions, and Tigers, and ...Zebras!

Monday, July 27, 2009
A Brief Moment

Friday, July 24, 2009
The Morning Show
For the entire summer we have had a visitor for breakfast. A goldfinch.* Who thinks he can perch on the plant by our dining room window that happens to be (much to his frustration) inside. Every morning he flies up to the window and pecks, and pecks and pecks. Of course Jaden finds this entertaining, but not soley because of the bird's antics. This bird has some competition for the bottom of the IQ totem pole...our cat. While the bird thinks he can get inside, our cat is bound determined that he can actually catch the bird through the window. Alan has a special meow which he reserves only for his pretend bird-catching moments that sounds eerily like a cackle. It is plain strange. So he sits on the window sill and cackles at the bird thinking he actually has a shot at a mouthful of feathers. The bird really doesn't seem bothered. Perhaps the glass pane is first on his lists of things to conquer before he takes on the ten pound gray rodent. Who knows. Regardless of it all, Jaden is mesmerized each day around 7 am by the show. TV be damned**, this is a much better way to spend our time each morning.
*Which happen to be the Iowa state bird. I used to think they were magical and that they cheered for Iowa because they are black and gold.
**at least until 9 am
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday C.O.P.*
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Bottles Suck
This kind of hurts.
Jaden just had his last bottle. He will be 15 months old soon. He has been drinking out of a sippy cup since he was 11 months old. Still, we (I) kept his bedtime bottle. Feeding Jaden a bottle is one of the greatest privileges I've had as his parent (and I'm not just saying this to be overly saptastic.) It made him happy, still, content and cuddly each time he had one. It made me feel closer to him than any other time of day. When we first met he had a bottle five times a day, with once being at 2 am. Then four, then get the picture. Since he turned a year old it has only been one bottle...just before the rocking chair...with me (almost exclusively.) Now it is none.
I would have let him keep it for a while longer, but he doesn't want it. He is done and I need to listen. I missed 8 months of bottle-feeding Jaden. That makes me very sad. I really grieve not knowing Jaden as a young infant. I don't know what else to say. There is no way around this with the Korean-American adoption system. The wait from referral time to travel time keeps getting longer, and our next child will likely be nearly a year old when we go to meet him/her. When we went through pre-adoption classes we did some exercises on the grief and loss surrounding adoption (including examples from birthparents, adoptive parents, and adopted children). Our class came up with many examples from our own perspectives. I clearly remember my contribution to the discussion was that I would miss my baby's infancy.
Upon becoming a parent I've become intimately familiar with the term bittersweet. My heart bursts with pride when Jaden meets milestones, but also breaks a little each time too. This one is a little harder than some others. But that is okay. I wouldn't trade it.