Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When it rains...

Jaden is not an overly cuddly child. Trying to get him to cuddle is somewhat akin to trying to snuggle with an octopus. A wet octopus. This child rarely sits still. Everyone who meets him calls him "busy." I'm not going to argue.

He does know what it means to gives hugs and kisses, and will do so on command...if requested by his father. Dustin receives hugs and kisses on call. Frequently. Especially right before bed. Lots of love for daddy.

Before naptime I sometimes get a hug, sometimes not. He sometimes will kiss my hand or my shoulder, but sometimes he's really just trying to bite but knows that's not a good idea. So he stops short and I call it a kiss.

But today Jaden forgot all of the rules. Perhaps it was because we were in a movie rental store/tanning salon. Maybe it was because I had "Girl Interrupted" in my hot hands ready to check out. Maybe he really wanted to let the boy in line next to us know to whom I belonged. Whatever it was, Jaden kissed me. Not once, not twice, but FIVE times. And he didn't just give me a sweet peck, these were full-on open-mouthed slobbery kisses straight on (or in?) my mouth.

I'll take what I can get.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Armed for Battle

Today's mission: Acquire a Social Security Number for Jaden

Required Documents:
  • Application Form
  • Travel Visa from Korea
  • Green Card
  • Certified Copy of Adoption Decree
  • Jaden's Passport
  • Jaden's Birth Certificate
  • Allison's Passport
  • Dustin's Passport

Destination: The nearest (40 minute drive) Social Security Administration building.

Summary of Anticipated Events: Based upon prior experiences with government agencies (and we've had our fair share) I fully expected to show up to a less than friendly environment. I had hoped to wait to be called to a window for about 45 minutes in which time I could wrestle with Jaden in a cramped room with strangers glaring at us the whole time. When finally called up to meet with the Super Friendly Person at the counter, I really wished they would tell me that while I had all of the documents listed above, that I still needed a stool sample from Jaden taken 24 hours before arriving in the United States. She would tell me that this requirement was clearly marked in Subsection X on page 32 of the instruction booklet. Then, the SF Person would "smile" at me and tell me to come back when I was fully prepared. I would then collapse into tears of frustration, leave my purse at the counter and not realize it until three days later when I wanted to buy bananas at the grocery store. Needless to say, I was prepared for the worst.

Summary of Actual Events: We (Dustin, Jaden and I) arrived at the office and the security officers joked with us as we went through the metal dectectors. This meant, right away, that some of the staff at this agency had a sense of humor. We were off to a good start. We signed in electronically and were called to a window within 5 minutes of arriving. The woman who helped me was unbelievably cordial, and complimented me on my preparedness. She even said, "This all looks really good." She processed the paperwork within 10 minutes, in which time she even spared a few moments for a little banter about parenting. In the end, she gave us all of the precious paperwork back and said Jaden would have a card within 2 weeks. On top of all of this, she didn't ask for any money. I practically skipped out of the agency (with my purse) and came very close to hugging the security officer on the way out (who told ANOTHER joke as we left.)

Either we entered a parallel universe this morning, or the Social Security Administration is the most efficient government agency we have in the US right now. You be the judge.

Mission accomplished.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Growing Up

Apparently it isn't a cakewalk to be 16 months old.

Each day there are challenges. The challenge of standing on your tiptoes to try to open doors to go outside, and to not be able to turn the handle. The challenge of having to eat (or not eat) whatever is put in front of you with zero input of your own. The challenge of having to lie still while your mom changes your dirty diapers. The challenge of wanting to say so much, but being able to say so little. The challenge of wanting to be away from your mom and dad, but wanting them to be close at all times. The challenge of walking when the slightest breeze could lead you to an intimate date with concrete. The challenge of three (or four?) new teeth making their presence known simultaneously.

Many times a day, these challenges lead to tears. Big, elephant tears of confusion and frustration. It is so much fun to be bigger, faster, and more capable of doing things independently. It is so hard to realize the countless limitations that are still there.

From a mom's perspective I think this is kind of how it feels to be 16 months old. Considering this is our first child, I'm pretty sure some of my observations and assumptions are the opposite of the truth. However, I can almost feel Jaden's growing pains right now. It hurts a little for us both.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Not who you are looking for

Not Ali. Teresa.

For reasons that are probably understandable, my creativity is at an all-time low. I don't think I could crank out Dick & Jane at this point in my summer. So I gave my sister the keys to my place, and she posted over there today. In between wiping my kid's nose and playing Wii Sports Resort with my Big Kids. So go see her there.

Really, go.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fair Time

At 4 pm yesterday we went to the local county fair. At 5:07 we left said fair.

Me: "Did you get your $10 worth?"

Dustin: "Yup."

Never fear -- we did the rounds. We saw the camel, the miniature horses, the geese, the ducks, the llamas, and the random African animals in the petting zoo. We each ate a corn dog. Our shoes stunk of animal dung. We were duly impressed by the midway and vowed never to let Jaden to ride on 90% of the rides there.

Then we went home and had some vegetables to chase the corn dogs.

Dustin: "Do you think Jaden's old enough to watch the smash-up derby."
Me: "..."

And that will do until next year.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Corn: By the Numbers

  • 1 Sunday afternoon
  • 1 naptime (for the toddler)
  • 72 ears of corn
  • 44 cups of corn
  • 3 quarts of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 12 teaspoons of salt

  • 1 (or 2) marital "discussions"
  • 4 phone calls to my parents to double-check on the next step(s)
  • 20 one quart freezer bags of fresh sweet corn available all year long
