Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When it rains...

Jaden is not an overly cuddly child. Trying to get him to cuddle is somewhat akin to trying to snuggle with an octopus. A wet octopus. This child rarely sits still. Everyone who meets him calls him "busy." I'm not going to argue.

He does know what it means to gives hugs and kisses, and will do so on command...if requested by his father. Dustin receives hugs and kisses on call. Frequently. Especially right before bed. Lots of love for daddy.

Before naptime I sometimes get a hug, sometimes not. He sometimes will kiss my hand or my shoulder, but sometimes he's really just trying to bite but knows that's not a good idea. So he stops short and I call it a kiss.

But today Jaden forgot all of the rules. Perhaps it was because we were in a movie rental store/tanning salon. Maybe it was because I had "Girl Interrupted" in my hot hands ready to check out. Maybe he really wanted to let the boy in line next to us know to whom I belonged. Whatever it was, Jaden kissed me. Not once, not twice, but FIVE times. And he didn't just give me a sweet peck, these were full-on open-mouthed slobbery kisses straight on (or in?) my mouth.

I'll take what I can get.


  1. Where do I start....The 'Girl Interrupted' or the fact that I know EXACTLY where you went...the place where only fools tread?? LOL Mike's...really??? Glad you got kisses, poor Jaden was just trying to get away in a hurry. : )

  2. ahh!! Alex isn't a big cuddler either - but he does a mean blow kiss too!

  3. Sweet!!! Ashers kisses are quite wet too! I love them when I can get them.
