This year we are flying to see Jaden's grandparents for Thanksgiving. And Jaden has a cold. And I am so thankful that he still sucks his thumb.
But. I would just like to throw something out there. His thumb has been loved a little too much since his has contracted this last cold. He has sucked so much that I believe he either has a huge blood blister on the end of this appendage OR he stuck it through the meat grinder when I wasn't looking. It is not pretty. But he still dutifully sticks it in his mouth.
Therefore, I am left to wonder exactly how strong is the skin on the end of one's thumb? Will he suck through all of the layers? Will he start bleeding spontaneously? Will it ever get so sore that he won't suck on it? Does anyone have legitimate answers to those questions?
I know I used up alot of good graces on our last airplane trip, but maybe I could still ask for one more thing? Please, please, please let Jaden's thumb be healthy for our Thanksgiving travels. All those within a quarter mile radius of us will probably want to issue the same plea.
And now, I will pack.
I will hope his thumb makes it through this trip as well. I was a major thumb sucker for a long time during childhood...and I never wore mine out. Have a great Thanksgiving with the grandparents. My parents stayed on from the Tol to Thanksgiving...and it has been great!