We fit about as much into three days as humanly possible last week. Here a few of the highlights from Jaden's perspective:
Playing with Grandpa's computer. Note the Super Cool Dump Truck that was just living at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Awesome.

But not nearly as awesome as this gift they gave me: the Best Garbage Truck Ever. My parents even brought it back home with us so now it lives in our house. I.love.it.

The trucks just kept getting bigger! Can you believe this little number that that Grandma and Grandpa pulled out of their garage? Seriously, who has this stuff on hand?

Okay, from here it was official. We are moving to Atlanta. Five minutes in the Aquarium and I had squealed more times than in my entire life up to this point.

Grandpa didn't rake his leaves because he wanted me to have the experience of a huge leaf pile. I guess he heard my parents live in a subdivision where the baby trees drop ~10 leaves each. Thanks Grandpa!

My cousins and I played in the leaves for a very long time. The big kids even threw coins in the middle of pile and used Grandpa's metal detectors (yup...plural) to find them.

You can't see me here, but I'm with Katie and Nicholas in the middle of the tarp. I think this was the Most Fun, but it hard to judge.
Looks as though he had a grand time! Grandparents are so much fun. We wish we lived closer to ours.