Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The End of Summer

School started yesterday in our neck of the woods. Jaden yelled and clapped for the bus. He was in shorts and his summer sandals. They are nearly too small now. It doesn't matter. In two weeks he won't be able to wear them anymore anyway..he'll need boots instead.

The weather has started to change. Football kicks off with full force tomorrow. The Iowa vs. Iowa-State game is this weekend. Lows are in the 40s and 50s at night now. I've given up on gardening. Things are definitely lining up for some chili soon. Fall is definitely here.

I will miss summer. I will miss warmth. I will miss having endless outdoor spots to take little Jaden. He has become a master at play structures. At the beginning of the summer he could barely climb stairs. Now, he takes on the biggest slide at each park. By himself. He got big. And brave. I love him so much.

These pudgy little baby feet will be more like little boy feet next year when we break out new sandals. I will still put sunscreen on him diligently, and he will still turn brown. But for now it is time to break out the socks, the pants, the long-sleeved shirts and the jackets. I've already started searching for a good winter coat and snowpants. It's time to get even more creative with indoor activities. And invest in some new videos. And hope Jaden likes to watch football.

Good-bye summer. Thank you for the zebra feet.

Good-bye feet. I'll see you again in May.


  1. CUTE sun-tanned feet. Ours look a little like that too by now. I know what you mean about the weather changing. Leaves are falling off trees. The night air is cool. My parents made some chili for us when they were here and froze it. We had some last night.

    THANKS for all your help and encouragement as we wrestle through this beginning time together as a family(especially the sleep). It is good. I'm sooooo glad to have your friendship and guidance.

    Cannot wait for you to meet Dylan. I think he & Jaden are going to be good pals.

  2. Hi! Thank you for the encouraging words on my blog, and nice to 'meet' you! Your little Jaden is sooo cute!

    Being in the 100+ degree heat of Arizona, I am feeling just the opposite about fall arriving! I am so ready for it to cool down (to 80 degrees) so we can finally spend some time outdoors without frying!

    -Catherine at I Smell Elephants
