Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You've Come a Long Way...

It's been a week. A week of firsts:

  • baths
  • doctor's visits (FYI = not fun)

  • meals

  • going to Target (this took 45 minute of prep on my part and I forgot a diaper bag)

  • smiles and laughs

  • outfits (some fit, some don't. Some are ridiculously cute.)

  • dirty diapers (some dirtier than others)

  • toys (Dustin perpetually sings the Cookie Jar song right now with his own grown-up lyrics)

  • exploring the house

  • meeting the dog

  • getting to know mom and dad
  • waiting for Santa (and/or grandmas and grandpas)

The sleeping is slowly working itself out a bit. The first few nights were Really Rough. The past two have been marginally better. But when I look at where little Jaden was a week ago, I'd say we couldn't ask for anything more.

Merry Christmas Eve!


  1. Is he taking the expected 8 naps a day?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. What a WONDERFUL Christmas there! Happy, happy!

  3. You are so blessed this Christmas. Congratulations. He is a beautiful baby boy! Enjoy every minute of it.

