Monday, December 15, 2008

Who needs sleep?

(Dustin here) We made it! 17 hours of air travel and we are now in Seoul... and may we say a pleasantly uneventful trip thus far. The snow and ice in Minnesota was unable to stop our departure and the rest of the trip went very smoothly. Korean Airlines is wonderful and, so far, highly recommended!

It has been a whirlwind since we arrived... so no pictures yet until tomorrow. We just dined on some"korean style" sushi... interesting (ali said "sub par".) For now, we will sleep (enter exhaustion here)... tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow, we meet our son for the very first time at 11am. :)


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you're there and are going to sleep now. You've almost made it!.... Lots of love.
    PS-- Ali, did you just text me? I heard my phone but I can't find it. (Not a joke. It's too early for my brain to work.)

  2. Glad to see you arrived safely. Hope you can keep up the blog posts - it is so cool to follow your progress as you go.

  3. So glad you made it safe. Enjoy Korea as much as you con. We can't wait to see your little one!


  4. I can't wait to see pictures!!

  5. Fun to read along on your journey. Glad to hear you made it and enjoyed Korean Air. Oooh...what an exciting day you'll be having! Photos will be awesome.

  6. I'm dying over here! You must be about to meet Jaden now. You'll get to hold your son so soon....
