Friday, April 3, 2009

Mr. Hanky

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

A mom and dad adoringly watch their son play in the tub. It is a nightly ritual. There are duckies and Johnson & Johnson bathing products. The dad usually sings funny songs while the son splashes enough water outside the tub to constitute a shower for the father. The watching of the water go down the drain is the highlight of the show. Sometimes (read ~450 times/bath) the son doesn't sit down appropriately and needs to be redirected.

Once when the son was standing the father looked at the mother and said, "Oh, he is peeing." The mother said, "He looks like he is working pretty hard on that pee." They both laughed and prepared to rescue the child from the urine-infested waters. As the father positioned the towel and lifted the boy, the mother looked into the tub as a wave of shock passed over her face. "Look!" she cried. "What?" said the dad. Located perfectly in a Tupperware container used to cleanse the child's hair was a well formed piece of excrement. The last words muttered were "Where did that come from?".