Since Jaden's first birthday there has been a bit of a lull in the storm of constant milestones being reached. I was pretty sure that his driver's license was next on the list and felt a little melancholy for a few days.
Then we had our first trip to urgent care. Our first prescription for antibiotics. Our first phone call from the doctor saying "well, you really don't need to give him those." We're in the process of experiencing our first extended stay away from home and away from dad. On our road trip together (mom, Jaden and the pup) he had his first McDonald's cheeseburger. Yesterday I experienced my first near heart-attack as Jaden had a run-in with a set of stairs. The stairs won. Now, he has his first rug burn on his forehead that elicits any number of knowing comments from complete strangers about how busy little one-year-olds are. For the first time today, Jaden went without a morning nap. Tonight he will eat his first vegetables out of his grandparents' garden. On Sunday we will have our first Mother's Day together. And then, more importantly, this upcoming week our family will have another wonderful first. We will go to the local county courthouse and officially finalize Jaden's adoption.
Lesson learned. I can sigh with relief to know that there is no reprieve from change and milestones. It seems they are part of the parenting package.
Gah. Will someone please explain why this post made me cry? Please?
ReplyDeleteOh no...poor little boo boo! I hope he's ok...his face will still be beautiful regardless of rug burn.