Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Put it on the books, Jaden's adoption has been finalized. This means he is granted all rights and privileges as if he were born an American citizen (aside from the whole becoming President thing.) I watched Jaden all day to see if he acted more "American", but there is nothing to report. His diaper didn't all of a sudden have an American flag on it, he did not start spontaneously singing the Star Spangled Banner, he did not go out and buy a Hummer, and he did not eat at McDonald's for three meals in a row.

Regardless, we have officially become a Korean-American family in the eyes of the law. We were, without a doubt, the happiest people in that courtroom yesterday morning. It was a good day.


  1. Congratulations to you all...Welcome to the family,(officially) Jaden!! (we already knew he was part of our family :-)). Lots of love!!

  2. But did he watch Idol? And congratulations to all of you. Love.

  3. What a wonderful day! Congratulations!
