Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week #1 -- Done and done

We have made it through our first week of waiting for the travel call. In case you were far, so good. I have had no random episodes of insanity (or any more than usual), and my husband is still in good spirits. But it isn't for a lack of trying to go around the bend. Yesterday we set up our registries (enter in dramatic dum, dum, dum music here.) This is needed as much for people who are kind enough to want to purchase something for our little one, as for us to realize what equipment is needed to raise a child. We live in "that house" right now. The one kids hate because there are zero toys. The one that has exposed outlets. The one with no thermometer for fevers. Right now, if we had to travel to Korea tomorrow, our baby would be hooked up with a rockin' laptop but no diapers.

First stop: Local discount store. This was not so bad. Remember, aside from never being parents before, we are looking down the barrel of parenting a nearly mobile, solid-food eating child. We also can only guess how much our baby will weigh, what kind of bottle he uses, if he uses a pacifier, or if he likes music when he sleeps. So, what do we need? Clothes. Definitely our baby should be clothed in winter. I knew Dustin was enjoying himself when he starting independently putting onesies on the list. I think he may have even dropped an "isn't this cute?" in there somewhere, although he'd die before admitting it. Excellent.

Next stop: the baby superstore. I knew we were doomed when we had to sit down for an orientation. The very nice lady made an analogy between said superstore and family, "and since you ask your family for advice, we should be your go-to people for your baby." Um, not so much, although I appreciate the offer. Really. They equipped us with a list of "what to register for", did some quick math based on the number of friends we supposedly have, and told us to be sure to register for ~150 items. My eyes bulged. We then wandered aimlessly, each looking for an out wherever we could find it: bathrooms, water, staring at blinking lights. As we left (thank goodness for lunch!), the lady to whom I turned over the magic scanning gun actually laughed at our total. Thirty items. And that was with us throwing caution to the wind.

So week one comes to a close, and I'm pretty sure I should start thinking about that diaper thing more seriously.


  1. Whatever freakshow superbabystore lady! You can always go back and re-register once Kwan Ryan gets here and you have a better idea of what you will need.

  2. Man, do babies need a lot of accessories. Don't worry about not having enough stuff on your registry. Baby junk has a supernatural ability to reproduce independently.
