Let me be clear, I know I worry too much about things. I know that I am an over-planner. I know that I tend to be a perfectionist. I know that these things don't necessarily coincide with effective parenting.
After being back from Korea for three months, we decided to take Jaden on a five-hour drive to see my parents and stay for two nights. My sister and her family were going to come as well. It had potential to be very fun for all involved.
But, here was my vision: A car ride full of screaming, crying, and despair on Jaden's part which would have translated into me pulling off the road in the middle of Iowa to let him play with pigs every ten minutes to satiate his need to see SOMETHING besides open prairie and semi trucks. I was anticipating two nights of sleeplessness akin to what we experienced upon first arriving back home. I was convinced that Jaden would have an episode of massive sleep regression. I was fully prepared to survive on 3 hours of sleep. I envisioned surviving the weekend, enjoying seeing my parents and sister's family, and then getting home and collapsing for 48 hours. I went so far as to clear my pathetic social calendar on Monday to allow for recovery time.
He is such a little angel... I love the pic of him snoozing...just makes me want to cuddle him!