We have another week and half before the Great Big Birthday Celebration. We do not have another week and half before Jaden becomes a toddler. Does it make me happy? Yes. Proud? Of course. Scared? You better believe it. Sad? A little.
When he took his first steps about a month ago he cried when he reached me (after 3 steps) because it was so scary. Now he squeals with delight as he shimmy-shakes across the floor. I think there is a greater lesson here, but I don't know that I'm ready to decipher it.
My heart hurts in a really good way tonight.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
We did it. We left the state. And it was enjoyable. Whew.
Let me be clear, I know I worry too much about things. I know that I am an over-planner. I know that I tend to be a perfectionist. I know that these things don't necessarily coincide with effective parenting.
In reality, everything was fine. I know this is shocking. It did take an extra hour to get to our destination, because fast food isn't so fast with an 11-month old. But Jaden was perfectly content in the car. He slept, he played, he "talked"...kind of like he does everyday. He slept fine both nights in the attic bedroom. His cousins properly exhausted him, and he napped like a champ as well. He got to play outside because my parents don't live in the frozen tundra like we do. It was in the mid-60s on Saturday and Jaden went outside for the first time without a coat and hat. He was mesmerized by this thing on the ground...grass. Honestly, are we damaging him by living so far north? That is beside the point. He was fine.
Have I learned my lesson? We'll see. The next challenge is getting the nerve to leave the house for *gasp*date night (or afternoon coffee?) with my husband...alone.
Let me be clear, I know I worry too much about things. I know that I am an over-planner. I know that I tend to be a perfectionist. I know that these things don't necessarily coincide with effective parenting.
After being back from Korea for three months, we decided to take Jaden on a five-hour drive to see my parents and stay for two nights. My sister and her family were going to come as well. It had potential to be very fun for all involved.
But, here was my vision: A car ride full of screaming, crying, and despair on Jaden's part which would have translated into me pulling off the road in the middle of Iowa to let him play with pigs every ten minutes to satiate his need to see SOMETHING besides open prairie and semi trucks. I was anticipating two nights of sleeplessness akin to what we experienced upon first arriving back home. I was convinced that Jaden would have an episode of massive sleep regression. I was fully prepared to survive on 3 hours of sleep. I envisioned surviving the weekend, enjoying seeing my parents and sister's family, and then getting home and collapsing for 48 hours. I went so far as to clear my pathetic social calendar on Monday to allow for recovery time.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Before and After
I couldn't resist. Spring has sprung and Chuckles needed a tune up for the outdoor weather. He had a morning at the dog-spa known as "Diva Dog" in these parts. By the way, you can't see it, but in the second picture he is wearing a pink bandana with puppy dogs on it. I can't make this stuff up.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A boy and his dog
Our "child" before our child was our dog. His name is Charlie (Charles, Chuck, Chuckles, etc.) He is a Golden Doodle (go ahead, laugh...everyone else does at the name of this breed.) We love him quite a bit. Charlie is somewhat large. He weighed in at about 75 lbs. at his last appointment. Some (his "aunt") call him the "amazing horse dog." Whatever. We were a bit worried about introducing a 20 lb. baby to such a large creature. Since the first day, Jaden hasn't had one bit of hesitation in his dealings with Charlie. Shouldn't he? I think I would be scared if a giant muppet were all of a sudden introduced into my life at 8 months of age. Or, maybe, I would be just really excited. Jaden chose the latter route.
Charlie tolerates the child. It's hard on the dog, you know? All of sudden another quadriped (at least for a few more weeks) is zipping around putting his hands in your food, trying to chew on your bones, and monopolizing your parent's time. And, when you try to retaliate by, say, taking one of the new one's toys, what happens? You get scolded and ignored. So, Charlie's adjustment is taking a little longer than Jaden's in this budding new relationship. I'm willing to bet, by the time Jaden is toddling around in the backyard, that he won't have a better friend than Snuffleupagus, I mean, Charlie.
Charlie tolerates the child. It's hard on the dog, you know? All of sudden another quadriped (at least for a few more weeks) is zipping around putting his hands in your food, trying to chew on your bones, and monopolizing your parent's time. And, when you try to retaliate by, say, taking one of the new one's toys, what happens? You get scolded and ignored. So, Charlie's adjustment is taking a little longer than Jaden's in this budding new relationship. I'm willing to bet, by the time Jaden is toddling around in the backyard, that he won't have a better friend than Snuffleupagus, I mean, Charlie.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
After countless hours of sleepless nights, even more hours reading about infant sleep, even more hours talking with people about infant sleep and the most hours just thinking about the beauty of one solid night of sleep...guess what Jaden's favorite game to play during the day happens to be? In the highchair, while climbing stairs, just after drinking a bottle, in mid-crawl, heck in mid-cruise along the wall...no time is NOT a good time to play this game except for 2 am.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Things that work
Our family has been together a little over two months now. Jaden and I stay at home, which means I'm in charge of meals, changings, entertainment, consoling, aerobics, fire safety, and general maintenance. Jaden isn't quite ready to take on these responsiblities just yet. However, these are a few things that work so far which make our days go by a little more smoothly. Ultimately, the more often we see the happiness he exudes in this picture the better off we all are.
(If I have any strength, I think it is that of self-deprecation so please don't read this thinking that I fancy myself as some sort of expert. I most certainly do NOT.)
1. Things with wheels. Big wagons, small cars, battery-powered trains that shoot balls in the air; these can all be found on my living room floor. Simultaneously.
2. CDs by "They Might Be Giants" (kids versions). I think Dustin and I may be more entertained by the lyrics, but Jaden digs the tunes. (Thanks, Teresa!)
3. Cloth diapers -- Bum Genius 3.0. No diaper rash. Rarely a blow out. Once I figured out how to make the ammonia stink go away, I've been very impressed.
4. Baby Mozart DVD. I am not above putting this in once, twice, or however many times on a bad teething day. It is referred to as "baby crack" in our home because of the scary amount of attention Jaden pays to these images.
5. Puppets. Once, Jaden was crying in the car. I got in the backseat and pulled out all of my tricks. Finally, I made my hand "talk". This killed Jaden. The Baby Einstein puppets from the aforementioned video are worthy of jaw-dropping gazing and amazement. But, in case you were wondering, we won't be purchasing them. They retail for approximately a bajillion dollars. I think a sock will suffice in the future.
6. Dads. 5:00 pm is a good time.
7. Pets. While I am a good face to wake up next to (according to the wee one), the pets get squeals almost every morning. The cat can put off breakfast for a good 5 minutes. Funny thing is, Jaden never catches it.
8. Baby sweatpants. Snap crotches and baby blue jeans are highly overrated.
9. Shoestrings, strings and straps. While not approved by the American Pediatric Society, they have provided much entertainment for Jaden. I swear we try to avoid these objects, but he is kind of naturally obsessed with things of this nature. When I'm sleep deprived, I put on my sweatshirt with a hood/string tie. When I knit, I give him a ball of yarn to play with by himself. He loves it.
10. Pantries. Fifteen minutes can go by in the blink of the eye when a can of Sprite and a box of penne pasta are there.
11. Baths. Great fun. Drinking the bathwater? Greater fun. I really hope he defies the conventional wisdom that all babies pee upon hitting the water.
12. Sandra Boynton board books. The crowd favorite is "The Belly Button Book", but I'm also a big fan of "Snuggle Puppy". I think Sandra and I may be soul mates.
That's all for now. I doubt this list remains the same for very long. We will enjoy the simplicity of his pleasures while they last and before they require microchips.
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