Monday, July 21, 2008

Step #482

The Department of Homeland Security serves multiple purposes in our brave new world -- most of which are "On Notice" in my mind. Back in April, Dustin and I ventured into the nearest branch of said department to have our fingerprints taken as part of the process to prove that we are fit parents. As we stared at a plexi-covered stock photo of GW, we almost had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. We are forging through the bureaucracy of our first adoption without much to guide us but our own research, naiveté, and sense of humor (this is key.) I was not quite sure what I was doing in that dingy office with the forboding signs of "NO CELL PHONES OR FIREARMS" on that Wednesday morning, but I knew it was on a checklist. The checklist -- that is what we have to keep us somewhat sane. Our agency has given us flowcharts and lists for all learning types so that each time we think we've come upon a milestone in the pre-adoption process we can cross-reference our excitement with a checklist. Whew. I guess it is our equivalent of "What to Expect...".

Anyway, last week we received news that our time was not wasted. Our fingerprints were part of a larger procedure that allowed the US government to approve us for the adoption of an international orphan. Technically, we received our I-600A approval. But, let's be honest -- to us it is another check on the list. We know there are many more steps until our family comes together at last in Seoul sometime in the next six months. But, it feels good to move down one step further. I am staring at the official paperwork right now, wondering if it is possible for maternal feelings to come out of looking at a such a sterile piece of paper. Based on the stinging in the back of my eyes right now, I'm pretty sure it is.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you and Dustin...Grandma E would be so pleased with the way the family is growing and growing. I know she would think it was really cool to have an international baby...Mammy always thought outside the borders!

    You are doing an awesome job at keeping sane, if it were me, my nails would be stubs.

    I love you!! Kay
